Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Soap Opera Site
For all those Soap Opera fans out there, there is now a site just for you! Soaps.com is a site that is only about 6 months old, but is growing very quickly. I mean, who wouldn't want to stay up-to-date on their favorite soaps. It offers daily news, message boards, a show list and so much more! It's a great way for people to continue to stay involved with their favorite Soap Operas, especially if they're involved in their careers and unable to watch them every day. Their site is very easy to navigate and really fairly user-friendly. The one thing I would like to see is less information on the home page. I think it would be a little less confusing and more inviting. That's really all that I would change, otherwise I feel that this is a great site offering a lot of positive tools for soap opera fans! This is a paid post.