Friday, April 6, 2007
Bloggers Choice Awards
I was browsing the web and discovered a great new site for bloggers. There is now an opportunity for bloggers to get awards based on their blog and how well it's liked by others. The neat thing is that anyone can vote and/or nominate one, even if it's yours! What a great way to get your blog out there, and seen by others. Who knows, you might just be one of the lucky ones to get one of these blogger awards. There are a variety of categories in which these blogs are placed, which include titles such as: Best Blog Design, Best Geek Blog, Freakiest Blogger, and so many more. It's really neat to browse this site and see all of the different blogs. It's also really easy to utilize. The site is very user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it really simple for you you to vote and nominate a blog that you think is pretty outstanding. I recommend any blogger to check this site out. It's really a neat new idea, that I would have never thought of, but think is pretty great. Check them out today to learn more and get started. This is a paid post.