Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Something to think about....

It seems that once you have a baby you start to think about the things we put into our bodies when it comes to food, etc. I know that's how it's been for us. Now we think about not only the food we give to Kaelyn, but also the toys she plays with and the things she uses on a daily basis due to lead and other chemical toxins that are concerns for many of us. It's actually pretty scary to think about the dangers of lead. There are so many products and things that we must be cautious about. For instance, I recently learned that even bibs can be a concern. Who would have thought that? This would have never crossed my mind had I not come across an article talking more about it. Maybe the cloth, although more time consuming to keep clean, are the best way to go. It seems that sometimes convenience means more dangers...don't you think?!?
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