Thursday, September 13, 2007

Do you own a digital camera?

Did you know that digital cameras are the #1 requested electronic type gift asked for by people over the holidays? I didn't really know this statistic until just recently, but do believe it based on my own experience with digital cameras and how great I think they are!! Digital cameras are just so easy to use. They're convenient too. You don't have to mess with putting in film and getting it developed. I just love the one my wife and have because it's so easy to take pictures and then put them right on our computer. It's also nice, because if you get pictures you don't like, you can just delete them. I think that's probably my favorite part about using a digital camera. We've only had our camera for a few years, but have already captured some great things with it. We love taking pictures at family gatherings, we took tons at our wedding, and now we've been taking lots of my wife's pregnancy and our new home that we just bought. What a great way to make lasting memories. If you don't have a digital camera, or are looking to upgrade, you should really look into getting one this holiday season. This is a paid post.
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